“Few are those that see with their own eyes, and feel with their own hearts.” – Albert Einstein


Lights, camera, action…it’s on! Your life is happening right now, but are you really in driving seat? Can you confidently say you’re aware and thinking for yourself? Or are you unconsciously letting the world do the thinking for you without ever giving it a second thought? They are big questions that point at how connected we are with our true-selves, and the type of questions that much of the general population wouldn’t even stop to consider.

I can remember being 13 years old and being introduced to the idea of subliminal advertising. I was shocked. Could people really be trying to program our minds with thoughts that we never consciously recognize? And was that even legal?!

But the truth is whether it is subliminal or not, the advertising and implanting of ideas in our minds happens all the time. All marketing is trying to convince us of something, sell us an image, or an idea. We are feed messages all the time in our modern world. The big question is rather not are you seeing the messages that are trying to program your mind, but are you taking them on and making them your own without questioning it?

We live in an age where most of the population are identified with their minds. We have lost our connection to our heart-centers and the majority of people are kind of stumbling through life half asleep, being pushed in whatever direction it appears life nudges them. Many of us have given up feeling like we really have any control over life, and rather feel like life, and the current circumstances, control us. We are disconnected from ourselves and our inner worlds are in chaos. But for the most part, we’re unconscious to this, as we meander our way through life. We’re generally unaware of our ability to control our minds. It’s little wonder that with this internal disconnect and the mind-chaos many of us are stuck in, that we see so much disorder in the world around us.

But it doesn’t have to be that way. There is a different way to exist and perceive the world, and it is the key to knowing we are thinking for ourselves. Eckhart Tolle, a great spiritual teacher, describes this critical shift in thinking in his book A New Earth. The shift comes when one can begin to recognize the consciousness behind the thinking mind. Eckhart Tolle had a moment where he literally “woke up” and recognized that he was not his thoughts, but he was the consciousness that was watching the thoughts in his mind.

Being able to watch our thoughts is a crucial step in being able to check them for accuracy. It is the key to unraveling whether we are actually creating our thoughts, or whether they are been thrust upon us and we have accepted them unknowingly. Once you are truly coming from an awareness of observing your thoughts (and for most it is a mindset you have to continually bring yourself back to) you can bypass the marketing messages you are constantly assaulted with, and begin making decisions from your true-self.

If it’s the first time you have come across such an idea, it certainly takes some time to get your head around! But it is incredibly powerful. It is this concept alone that can put you back in control of your thinking mind and help you connect with your soul-self.

As Albert Einstein, the great genius stated “Few are those who that see with their own eyes and feel with their own hearts.” I encourage you to be one of the few. xx

Eckhart Tolle’s book is A New Earth – Awakening to Your Life’s Purpose.   It is one of my all time favorite self-help books. You can read about my other favorites in the blog: My 4 Favorite Self-Help Books.


Hi. I’m Kate Snowise, and Thrive.How is my business-baby. I’m a kickass Life & Well-Being Coach who helps people who want the good stuff out of life, get it. I have an MSc in Psychology (the happy kind of psychology that concentrates on what is right with you). I offer individual coaching and personality assessment to help people clarify their thinking, grow into their potential, reconnect with themselves and regain balance.  Click here to learn more.


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