Are you a success or a failure? Are you beautiful or really quite unattractive? Are you creative or unimaginative? 

What you think about yourself matters. It really matters.

The thoughts you have about yourself, playing around in the background of your mind, can either be limiting beliefs or empowering ones, and these thoughts are defining your life experience. They can either help you achieve your goals or undermine them completely.

A few nights back I watched an episode of my favorite TV program ever, Super Soul Sunday. Bishop T.D. Jakes inspired me. I wasn’t expecting to be so taken by his message, but once he started speaking I realized he was addressing an undeniable truth. Something I think we all know deep down in the seat of our souls, yet something most of us have forgotten, or at least forget to remember all the time.  It was that:

We are no greater than the thoughts we think – Bishop T.D. Jakes

In his fair opinion, the difference between the janitor and the CEO are the thoughts that they think. You may believe it is overly simplistic, but he outlines that the janitor likely expects to never be a CEO and in turn, the CEO expects to never be a janitor. And it is because of those thoughts that they act the way they do in the world.

Our conditioning plays the major part in this. You know…all that stuff you’ve been picking up ever since childhood. Unconscious thoughts jump around in our heads and without us even knowing it, we let those thoughts begin to define us.

We put ourselves in boxes, we become the labels and titles society gives us, and we begin to believe we can only achieve so much.

All the little comments and beliefs we’ve picked up along the way, we take on. We let them become us. We identify with them.  And then, slowly but surely, we use those unconsciously to create the life we experience. We confirm what we believe.

So what unconscious thoughts are you letting control your life?

  • Are you telling yourself behind the scenes of your mind that you aren’t smart enough to train as the thing you’d love to be?
  • Or are you saying to yourself that you don’t have the talent to do something you’d love to?
  • Are you hearing the voice of someone from your past in the back of your head telling you that you’re not good enough? You aren’t worthy?
  • Are you believing that you’re “just a stay-at-home mom” and have forgotten your worth?
  • Are you letting your body-size define you and stop you from trying new things?
  • Do believe you’re not beautiful?
  • Do tell yourself that you are unloveable and consequently ruin your relationships?
  • Or are you playing on the side-lines of life because you’re deep down a little too scared to really get in the game?

You will never move past a mind-set that is holding you back if you don’t first uncover it and acknowledge it is there.

If it remains unconscious, it will continue to have control over you. It’s not always easy to do, but you can uncover your limiting beliefs and begin to rewrite them.

This is what turning off the auto-pilot of your life looks like, and why personal discovery and understanding is so damn powerful! You can consciously put yourself back in the driving seat of your life and create the good things you crave. Managing your thoughts is the key to becoming the best you can be.

Hi I’m Kate Snowise, and Thrive.How is my business-baby. I’m a kickass Life & Well-Being Coach who helps people who want the good stuff out of life, get it. I have an MSc in Psychology (the happy kind of psychology that concentrates on what is right with you). I offer individual coaching and personality assessment to help people clarify their thinking, grow into their potential, reconnect with themselves and regain balance.  Click here to learn more.

To download a copy of my free mini-guide – 8 Tips Towards Creating a Thriving Life – click here.