I want to remind you that, You Are Not Your Pain.

Most of us are addicted to our pain. We don’t think we are, and we don’t want to be – but we still are.

We love the way our pain makes us feel alive. It is an emotion that hits us hard. We feel it in our minds and it aches in our hearts.

We’ve forgotten how to feel the range of human emotions, or we don’t think we’re worthy of joy, so we instead rely on our pain to make us feel like we’re still breathing.

We’ve tragically forgotten how to feel. We’ve so busy thinking that we’re forgetting how to really feel.

We’ve forgotten that the full range of amazing human emotions are always within our reach. We have forgotten that we can choose joy at any moment. That we can in fact pursue joy with fervent intention.

Joy is always within our reach.

The reality is that many of us are so disconnected from ourselves, that we just want to feel something.

Much like a child who is desperate for attention who then starts to misbehave. Negative attention is better than no attention.

It’s the same with being human. Negative emotion is better than no emotion. At least when we feel something we know we’re not a robot right?

Let go of the addiction to your pain. I challenge you to instead choose positive thoughts. I encourage you to look for how you can step out of the story and recognize that whatever happened back then, it does not define you.

I know you might have had to wade through the shit to get to where you are today, but please don’t voluntarily carry the shit around in your backpack. You don’t need it.

Life is a path, and you are walking it every day. Choose to put the backpack full of all the crappy stuff down on the side of the road.

Recognize that your past is just that … your past. You don’t need to carry it into your future.

Honor it for the lessons it has taught you, and recognize that you are stronger for it. Forgive where you must, and choose to keep your eyes on the future. Don’t keep looking over your shoulder.

Don’t carry the shit when you don’t need to anymore. Don’t carry around your pain. Put your hands over your heart, close your eyes and remember that: You can choose joy.

I’m not saying it is easy, but it starts with recognizing that – you are not your pain.

You are not your pain. 

In case you’re new, I’m Kate. Hi and welcome! I’m a Life Coach and an idealist. I would love to see a world full of a whole heap more soul, and I know that starts with us connecting deeply with our own wisdom. It’s my mission to help as many people as I can learn how to reconnect with their essence so that they can live truly fulfilling lives. I have an MS in Psychology, but infuse my book knowledge with a giant dose of Soul. Because as humans, we’re more than just our minds; we’re also full of heart. To read more about my Thriving Life Project click here

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