What you feed your mind matters. A positive mind truly does lead to a positive life. 

One of the biggest jumps in my personal growth came when I started my first blog. When I started out I said to my husband “Best case scenario, this turns into something and people actually read my stuff. Worst case scenario, I surround myself with positive information and I become more positive myself.” I never knew how truthful those words would become.

It truly made me more positive. Through constantly immersing myself in positive and inspirational material, my mind began to think that way. It happened slowly so I didn’t really notice it at the time, but now I can look back and see how far I have come. I now naturally see the world through rose-colored glasses.

It was only when I stopped to consider my personal growth recently that I recognized just how powerful what we feed our minds really is.

What it comes down to is that it is damn near impossible to have a positive mindset when all you are feeding your mind is negativity, despair and upset. Feeding your mind doom and gloom is equivalent to living off a diet of junk food in my opinion. Our thoughts effect how we experience the world. Our minds are the filter through which we perceive everything. So if you want to have a happy life, the first place to start is with your mind.

The world can be crumbling around you, but if you have a happy mind, you can still be at peace.

Following on from my own experience, here are three simple ways I recommend to help move your mind consistently towards a positive disposition, so you can slip on the rose-colored glasses too!


  1. Start Your Day with a Personal Mantra (or affirmation)

A mantra is a simple statement that can help focus your mind on the positive. The key is to choose a couple of simple ones that you regularly say to yourself. The more frequently you “digest” the mantra, the better. Consistency is the key here. Depending on the mindset you want to create some examples may include:

  • I am beautiful, strong and capable
  • I am successful and talented
  • I have everything I need and more
  • Today will be a beautiful day, and I am grateful to experience it

You may attach a note to your bathroom mirror so that you will read it when you brush your teeth in the morning and at night. You could also set a reminder on your iPhone to pop up with the words of your mantra a couple of times throughout the day. Or you could post a mantra on your pin-board or computer so you can read it whenever you take a wee break.

Mantra’s are an excellent way to feed your mind healthy information. Over time your mind will begin to believe the words you say, even if it doesn’t feel that way.  When you first start out using a mantra it may feel uncomfortable and the words might feel very untrue. The key is to keep consistent and focus on how you would ideally like to feel, even if you don’t feel it yet.


  1. Control Your Newsreel

We are constantly feed information these days. If you turn on the TV and watch news updates or channels, then you are letting someone else choose the material you digest. Typically mainstream news focuses on the most attention grabbing stories, most of which are depressing.

Yet with the power of the internet, we have the ability to truly control our newsreels. You may choose news apps like Huffington Post. By reading the news on an app or online you have the ability to choose the stories you click on and read. Huffington Post also have dedicated Good News or Healthy Living pages. You can also follow pages on social media that you know will share positive information so that your Facebook or Twitter accounts actually become positive newsreels (of course, my page would fit that description! You can find it here).


  1. Read about Personal Development

Well no surprises I would say this. I am a self-help junkie. But what it comes down to is that reading is an excellent way for your to fill your mind with positive thoughts. Personal Development books are always focused on ways for you to become the best version of yourself that you can be. They may focus in particular areas, but they have in common that they are positive. So if you need a dose of positive information, you can’t go past a good self-help book. You can catch my four all-time favorites by clicking here.


Our minds are tricksters. They have the potential to run away and get lost in unhelpful thoughts if we don’t keep a handle on them. And what we feed our minds is crucial. The balance of our thoughts is affected by what we put it. To keep it in a positive space, we must concentrate on feeding our minds positive information. So I encourage you to evaluate where you could change or improve what you feed your mind.


Hi. I’m Kate Snowise and Thrive.How is my business-baby. I’m a Life & Executive Coach who helps people who want the good stuff out of life, get it. I’m passionate about helping people wake-up and start living on purpose. I have an MSc in Psychology (the happy kind of psychology that concentrates on what is right with you). I offer individual coaching that specifically helps people clarify their thinking, reconnect with their spirits, grow into their potential and re-gain balance.  Click here to learn more.

To download a copy of my free mini-guide – 8 Tips Towards Creating a Thriving Life – click here.